Some of you may have watched a brief video from Frontiers UK’s James Price at one of Sunday’s Sunnyside services. If you did, it will have whetted your appetite! Either way, we will all have an opportunity to Zoom with James and his wife Jo at 8pm on Thursday 4 July (a de-toxing antidote perhaps to 6 weeks of electioneering!) James is an ex-Sunnysider who spent much of his childhood and youth here and the family first went to Southeast Asia in 2015. For the past 4 years, they have been based in Leeds but continued to engage with Rohingya refugees in Bradford and stay connected to friends further afield. The couple are about to relaunch to Southeast Asia in September with their two children William & Bethan for a second spell with Frontiers UK.
The Zoom will be a great opportunity to hear about some of the challenges they will face out there, to ask them any questions and. all the better, then to pray for them. The Zoom link will be the same as for all our Monday Prayer Zooms, but just notify Peter if you’re not familiar with that.