Mission Focus: July 2024

Each month we pray for two of our mission partners. During July we are praying for James & Jo Price and family at Frontiers UK and for Sunnyside Rural Trust.


James Price spent his early life in Berkhamsted, worshipping at Sunnyside and being part of Sunnyside’s children’s and youth groups. Married to Jo, with two children, William & Bethan, they have been living and working in Yorkshire for the past 4 years, but are on the point of returning to South East Asia in early September. As one can imagine, there’s a lot to pray for:

  • · The end of school is nigh! The kids are processing the ending well, but prayers are appreciated as they say goodbye to friends and teachers in the coming weeks.
  • · Please pray we find good tenants for our house and get all the ‘odd jobs’ sorted in good time
  • · Pray for our emerging team: for the German couple preparing to move out in September, and the American lady finishing training with our organisation and discerning plans.
  • · Our friend R has two boys who are having a challenging time at school. Please pray for the provision of good male role models in their lives, peace at home, and grace for their Mum.
  • · Pray for the ladies in our ESOL class who are transitioning to another class run by a likeminded friend and that their confidence/ability in English will continue to grow.
  • · Pray for our son, William’s baptism (his decision) at our church later this month.


Sunnyside Rural Trust is a thriving local charity and social enterprise offering training and work experience for over 170 vulnerable people in Hemel Hempstead, Berkhamsted and Northchurch. They train people with learning disabilities in a number of Rural activities.

They ask that we give thanks:

  • For the new pest-free garden that trainees have worked so hard on
  • For the new orchard nursery site which is opening very soon and will provide horticultural therapy
  • For the cafés that are thriving

And that we pray:

  • For the wellbeing of all service users, especially those suffering with mental health, anxiety and general cost-of-living  concerns
  • For wisdom as plans are drawn up for the much-needed overhaul of the activity centre, which provides facilities for those with complex needs

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