Saturday 21st September 2024 morning saw another great Community Café held in Church. Judy E and Megan were hosting; Lucinda, Charlotte, David V and Sarah were on hand to craft and assist the ballet children with colouring sheets, and Tony A came along to set the church back up. Many thanks to Megan and Tony for answering the call for help! There were some wonderful new connections made and deepening relationships, and it was a welcome addition to a rather grotty weather day. This month’s cake shout-outs go to Penny H for her chocolate brownies which Katie can confirm were delicious! See photo of Megan and Judy doing a fab job of hosting.
Just two more Community Cafes in 2024 – Pam and Penny H will be hosting on 19th October and Penny W is setting the church back up, then we also have 16th November (the morning of the Tearfund Quiz 2024) to conclude for the year. Please click on the information link if you’d like to support Community Café or contact Katie.