Mission Focus: January 2025

Each month we pray for two of our mission partners. During January we are praying for local charity Rennie Grove Peace Hospice, and our international focus is The Leprosy Mission.

Rennie Grove Peace Hospice

Rennie Grove Peace Hospice is a charity providing care and support for adults and children with progressive life-limiting illness, and those who care for them.
They ask us to pray:

  • for continued support for their ‘fund a nurse’ appeal – that they would quickly raise the final 14%,of their £70,000 total
  • for success in various fundraising initiatives including the Watford half marathon and the London Bridges walk
  • for all those who have received a diagnosis and their families and for all volunteers and staff who support them

The Leprosy Mission

Prayers please: 

  • Thanks for Sunnyside’s generous donation from Gift Day this year
  • Thanks for a new skin test to diagnose leprosy quickly and even in remote places, to enable quick treatment 
  • Pray that sufficient drugs will be available for that treatment
  • Pray that this will slow the transmission of leprosy and the disabilities it causes

Lord, move our hearts. Give us eyes to see as you see.


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