Do you want to take part in our week of accompanied prayer? It’s a wonderful chance to explore and enrich your prayer life.
For details, see the leaflet – in the church lobby and here.
PLEASE BOOK VERY SOON to ensure a place: leaflet and application form
Accompanied prayer is a great way to explore and enrich your prayer life. It involves a commitment to a daily session of about half an hour with a trained prayer guide (spiritual director). These sessions will be offered online at times to fit in with your daily life. For a limited number of people we can offer face to face sessions. The booking form will give you the options. In addition you will need to set aside another half an hour daily for private prayer. Those of you who have done weeks of guided/accompanied prayer before will know how helpful, supportive, and enlightening these sessions can be.
If you would like to find out more contact the person who is organising the week: Jackie Harbron 07932 590852, to email Jackie click here