Sunday 15th December 6pm

This can be a hard time of year for all sorts of reasons and the celebrating going on around us can make it feel even more difficult. It may be that we are mourning the loss of someone we loved, or deeply concerned about the state of the world or badly...

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Sunday 13th October

We will be holding our annual thanksgiving services at The Nine and Ten Thirty on Sunday. This is an opportunity for us to remember those we have loved who have died and give thanks for them. All welcome! 

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Sunday 9th July

Our annual Thanksgiving Services are an opportunity for us to take time to remember those who have died and to give thanks for them. There will be time for us to light a candle in memory of those we love during both our Nine and Ten-Thirty services. All are very...

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Pastoral Care

At Sunnyside we are committed to sharing God’s love with others, both members of the church family and people in our wider community. Through our pastoral team, we seek to offer friendship, prayer and some practical support to those who need it. We cannot offer long term home help or...

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November: Join a Team

Nothing that we do at Sunnyside would be possible without the amazing people who serve in so many different ways. Thank you to all those who give so generously of your gifts and time; we are hugely grateful. Thank you to those of you who do big jobs and those...

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Thanksgiving Services 26th June

Next Sunday we will be taking time during both our services to remember those who have died and to give thanks for them. The 10.30 service will be live streamed as usual and then the church will be open until 1pm for anyone who has watched online and would like...

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