GD24 had a great launch yesterday and we are excited about our GD24 service on 29th September (more information coming soon!). It was a joy to welcome Justin and Lucy Groves to Sunnyside; they work in a very deprived part of Newport (South Wales) called Pill and are one of our mission partners. They told us something about why they follow Jesus and the difference he makes to their lives. Justin gave an encouraging and challenging talk about trusting in God in everything, including our money (Luke 12.32-35). His talk which he called ‘Worship God with Your Money’ is available on our website and well worth a listen. We then had lunch together so we could find out more about Pill and enjoy time with one another after the summer break.
To find out more about Gift Day, please click on the links below:
Gift Day: What is Gift Day and why is it an important part of our life at Sunnyside?
Gift Day 2024 leaflet : including information about how you can get involved
Gift Day article for the newsletter week 1 telling us about the mission partners we were able to support through last year’s Gift Day.
If you have questions about GD24, please email the office who will put you in touch with the right person.