Thursday 23rd April
This Thursday we have our monthly prayer meeting when we focus on praying for Sunnyside. It will be 8pm-9pm as usual but from the comfort of our homes rather than in the Breukleman Room.
This Thursday we have our monthly prayer meeting when we focus on praying for Sunnyside. It will be 8pm-9pm as usual but from the comfort of our homes rather than in the Breukleman Room.
One of the things we can all do from the safety of our homes is pray. Why not join with Christians across this land this Sunday by praying and lighting a candle at 7pm as a symbol of the light of life, Jesus Christ, our source and hope in prayer?...
Our next time of prayer for Sunnyside will be on Thursday 20th February at 8pm. We meet in the Breukleman Room for an hour to listen to what God is saying to us and pray for Sunnyside. All are welcome. Why not come and join us?
If we are honest, we all find prayer difficult and would like to get better at it. The Archbishop of Canterbury has made a great series of five short videos on prayer. Why not watch them to inspire and help you in your prayer journey? Click the link here to...
18 of us gathered in the Breukleman Room this evening for the first Kingdom Come meeting. We enjoyed an hour of informal worship and prayer led by Rachael and Patrick Craig. Following a time of sung worship, we focused our prayers on the world, our community and one another before sharing some...
We meet for an hour each month to pray for Sunnyside. It is vital that we root all we do in prayer so this meeting is an essential part of our exploration of who God is calling us to be and what he is calling us to do. Why not...