Pastoral Care
At Sunnyside we are committed to sharing God’s love with others, both members of the church family and people in our wider community. Through our pastoral team, we seek to offer friendship, prayer and some practical support to those who need it. We cannot offer long term home help or...
Prayer for Church
At Sunnyside we believe that prayer is really important so we have different opportunities to pray with others. One of these is our monthly prayer meeting when we pray for Sunnyside Church and the community we serve. We focus on listening to what God is telling us and bring our...
Celebrating the wider Sunnyside Community
We would love you to join us for a Community Quiz on Sunday 29th January 2023 3-5pm. This is a completely free event being held in Sunnyside Church so we can all get to know our community better. It is open to all (single folks, couples, families are all welcome...
Community Cafe in 2023
The first Community Cafe of the year will be in Church on Saturday 21st January 2023 from 10-11.30am hosted by Katie and Samson Randall-Stratton and likely another helper. Other 2023 dates include Saturdays 18th February, 18th March, 20th May, 17th June, 16th September, 21st October and 18th November (none in...
Praying for Roads
We are all being encouraged by our Mission Action Group to pray for specific roads in our parish each week.
Thursday 24th November
This is an important time in the life of Sunnyside when we are experiencing lots of change. It is more vital than ever that we gather to listen to what God is saying and bring our concerns to him. This month we will be focussing on praying about the staff...
November: Join a Team
Nothing that we do at Sunnyside would be possible without the amazing people who serve in so many different ways. Thank you to all those who give so generously of your gifts and time; we are hugely grateful. Thank you to those of you who do big jobs and those...
Getting to know our parish better
We want to build stronger relationships with the people in our parish. We have begun doing this through prayer for roads, The Listening Project and our recent parish boundary walk. The next step is an exciting initiative from the Mission Action Group: our Adopt a Road scheme. This involves us...
Thursday 22nd September
At our Weekend Away in 2018 we said that we would like more opportunities to pray as a church and so we started this monthly prayer meeting. Why not come and join us in the Breukelman Room 7.30pm-8.30pm as we pray for the life of Sunnyside and the people we...