Every month we pray for two of our mission partners. During August we are praying for Frontiers (James and Joanna) and Playskills.

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Prayer Survey

Prayer is vital to our lives as individual followers of Jesus and as a church family. We have lots of different ways of getting involved in prayer at Sunnyside and want to help support everyone in taking part.

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Daily Reflection 10: 27th May

This is the last of our reflections to help you pray during Thy Kingdom Come; an enormous thank you to those who wrote them. We hope that you have found them helpful. There has been a reflection to help you pray during Thy Kingdom Come each day, focussing on the...

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Daily Reflection 9: 26th May

This is a reflection to help you pray during Thy Kingdom Come. There will be a reflection for each day which will focus on the two main themes of TKC this year: The character of God and living the kingdom through love and service. They have been written by different...

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Daily Reflection 8: 25th May

This is a reflection to help you pray during Thy Kingdom Come. There will be a reflection for each day which will focus on the two main themes of TKC this year: The character of God and living the kingdom through love and service. They have been written by different...

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Daily Reflection 7: 24th May

This is a reflection to help you pray during Thy Kingdom Come. There will be a reflection for each day which will focus on the two main themes of TKC this year: The character of God and living the kingdom through love and service. They have been written by different...

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Daily Refletion 6: 23rd May

This is a reflection to help you pray during Thy Kingdom Come. There will be a reflection for each day which will focus on the two main themes of TKC this year: The character of God and living the kingdom through love and service. They have been written by different...

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