Thy Kingdom Come (TKC) is a wonderful opportunity to join with others across the world to pray for people to experience the transforming power and mercy of God. At Sunnyside, we are going to be taking part in TKC in a number of ways to enable the maximum number of...

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Each month we pray for two of our mission partners. During April we are praying for The Bible Society and Dacorum Emergency Night Shelter (DENS).

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Our sermon series for Lent

Prayer is a conversation with God but if we are honest, most of us find it easier to talk to God than hear what he is saying. During Lent we are going to be focussing on how we might hear God in our daily lives. Our teaching series will be...

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Lent at Sunnyside and St John’s

‘My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.’ (John 10.27) When we did the prayer survey last year, one of the things people asked for is more teaching on prayer. We are therefore going to focus on prayer, and particularly hearing God through Lent. We are...

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Thursday 19th October | 5pm – 6pm

One of the joys of being part of the church family at Sunnyside is praying with one another. We do this in lots of different ways, including through our prayer meetings and small groups. Another opportunity to pray for people and to be prayed for is through prayer ministry at...

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Our new look Prayer for Church

Prayer is a vital part of our life at Sunnyside and essential if we are to ‘be recognised as a Christ-centred community of living faith which seeks to make Jesus known to others.’ which is our vision as a church. We all pray in different ways and have a number...

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